About publishing documents to QuickBooks Online


  • Create a new transaction in QuickBooks Online (QBO) when you publish a document from Hubdoc, or republish a document to update the transaction in QBO.

How it works

Publishing a document

Once a document is uploaded into Hubdoc and the data has been extracted, configure the data for the document, then publish it to your QuickBooks Online organisation.

When you publish a document, Hubdoc creates a new transaction in QBO using the data from the document. If the document is under 25MB, QBO attaches a copy of the document to the transaction. If the document is larger than 25MB, it shows as a link rather than an attachment.

When configuring data for a document:

  • Data for fields such as the supplier, account and payment account code are imported from your QBO organisation. 
  • Use multiple line items to code transactions to different account codes, separate the taxable and non-taxable portions, or include inventory items. You can also enter different descriptions for each line item.
  • Hubdoc rounds to two decimal places. If the document shows several decimal places, manually change the tax amount on the document in Hubdoc to two decimal places, then edit the transaction in QBO to show the correct amount.
  • Hubdoc will identify any document that appears to be a credit note and flag it for review. If Hubdoc detects a credit note, you need to review the document before publishing it to QBO.

You can also enable autosync for a supplier so Hubdoc automatically configures and publishes all documents from a supplier.

TIP | If your Hubdoc organisation is connected to QuickBooks Online and BILL, find out which integration to publish your document to.

Re-publishing a document

Once a document has been published, the Re-publish button shows.

Re-publishing a document updates the transaction initially published in QBO with the new information. However, a duplicate transaction will be created in QBO if:

  • The transaction is already matched and reconciled in QBO
  • You change the type of transaction the document was published as (Publish As field)

Types of documents you can publish to QuickBooks Online

You can publish three different types of documents from Hubdoc to QBO. Each type allows you to configure different details before you publish. In the Publish As field in the Destinations section, select:

  • BillFor bills that you have to pay by a certain date. You can also select Bill for expenses where you don’t know the payment method, so you don’t need to specify a payment type or payment account code.
  • ExpenseIf you pay for a purchase straight away.
  • Supplier Credit To add a credit note that isn’t linked to an invoice or bill. Once the credit note is created in QBO, you can allocate it to an invoice or bill at a later date, or refund to the customer.

Once published to QBO, you can find these transactions in the Expenses tab. 

Multicurrency in Hubdoc

To import transactions in multiple currencies from Hubdoc to QBO, you need to have a QBO pricing plan that includes multicurrency. Before you start publishing multicurrency documents to QBO, make sure you set up multicurrency in your QBO organisation:

Hubdoc supports all currencies that are available in QBO.

Foreign currency amounts extracted in Hubdoc publish to QBO as the same amount, but in your base currency. For example, if your organisation is in the US, an extracted amount of GBP250.00 as the foreign currency in Hubdoc imports as USD250.00 in QBO if your base currency is set as USD. You can then apply the correct currency to the transaction in QBO.

If the currency extracted in Hubdoc isn’t available in QBO, the imported amount is still the same, but it shows in your base currency. You need to edit the transaction in QBO to manually convert the amount to its value in your base currency.

Document fields explained

Configure the following data before publishing a document to QBO. The fields that display depend on the Publish As option selected. All required fields must be completed for the document to publish successfully.

Field Description
Publish As

Required field for all documents.

The type of document you’re publishing to QBO. Each document type allows you to configure different details before you publish.


Required field for all documents.

Hubdoc imports your suppliers when you connect to QBO. Select or begin typing the supplier name for the document. 

If the supplier isn't created in QBO, click New Supplier, enter the name, then click Create to confirm. The new supplier is created in Hubdoc and QBO.


Required field for all documents.

Hubdoc imports your chart of accounts when you connect to QBO. Select from the list or begin typing the appropriate account.


Optional field for documents published as Bill.

Hubdoc imports the payment terms for a supplier when you connect to QBO. Select the payment term for the document. 

Payment Type

Required field for documents published as Expense.

Select the method used to pay for the transaction. You can choose from Credit Card, Cash/Debit or Check.

Payment Account Code

Required field for documents published as Expense.

Hubdoc imports your chart of accounts when you connect to QBO. Select or begin typing the appropriate account code for the expense.

The payment account code will be different for each payment type you select.


Optional field for all documents.

Use this field to record additional information about this document. Data entered here is imported into the Description field for each line item on the transaction in QBO.

If you publish a document with multiple lines, enter different descriptions for each line.

If you select the Save configuration checkbox, the description isn’t saved as part of the configuration settings. The Description field is blank by default for all new documents.


What's next?

Publish a document to QuickBooks Online.

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