Transfer a Hubdoc organisation
- Transfer an organisation between practices, or between a practice and a client.
- You might need to change the organisation's email address.
WARNING | If the Hubdoc organisation is connected to Xero, follow these steps to transfer a Hubdoc organisation (Xero Central website).
When to transfer an organisation
You need to transfer your Hubdoc organisation if:
- You're a small business owner who has set up a Hubdoc organisation, and you want your accountant or bookkeeper to manage it
- You're an accountant or bookkeeper and your client wants to move to another practice, or wants to start managing their own Hubdoc organisation
- Multiple staff at your practice own client organisations and you want to consolidate them
Only the current owner of an organisation can transfer it.
Before you transfer an organisation
Change the organisation's email address
If the organisation's email address is an email alias, the current owner must change the email address before transferring the organisation.
Depending on the situation, the new email address could either be the client's email address or another email alias.
It can only be the client's email address if:
- The email address is not being used for another Hubdoc organisation
- The client has deleted their Hubdoc user account, if they had one
In most cases, when an organisation is being transferred between practices, the new email address will need to be an email alias. Here's an example:
ABC Accounting set up a Hubdoc organisation for its client Pat's Plumbing. ABC Accounting owns the organisation and uses the email alias for it.
Later, Pat decides to move to a new accounting firm, XYZ Accounting.
Before it can transfer the organisation, ABC Accounting needs to change the email address to one which XYZ Accounting can access, and which isn't already used in Hubdoc.
XYZ Accounting already uses for its practice's Hubdoc organisation. It asks ABC Accounting to change the address to an email alias:
Downgrade the organisation
The current owner must downgrade the organisation before the new owner can take it over.
If you're a practice administrator and you downgrade an organisation that your practice previously paid for, your access to the organisation is removed. If you still need access, ask your client to add you as a user.
Transfer an organisation to a practice
Once the current owner has downgraded the organisation, the new practice administrator can add the organisation to the practice's client list:
- In any Hubdoc organisation’s dashboard, click the organisation name, then select My Hubdoc.
- In the Partner portal screen, click Create a new organization.
- Select Create a new organization with email, then click Continue to billing.
- Under Add Client Subscription, enter your new client's email address, then click Add Client Organization.
- If your client hasn’t accessed the organisation, select Yes to send them an email inviting them to sign up to Hubdoc.
- If Hubdoc doesn't already hold credit card information, complete the fields in the Billing Information screen, then click Pay Now.
If you haven't been given access to the client’s organisation, the subscription status shows as Pending on the Partner portal screen. Ask your client to log in to Hubdoc and confirm the transfer.
Transfer an organisation to a client
Once the current owner has downgraded the organisation, the client can complete the transfer:
- In the organisation dashboard, click the settings icon
- Select the Billing Information tab.
- If Hubdoc doesn't already hold your credit card information, complete the payment fields, then click Pay Now.
- Click Upgrade Account.
What's next?
If you've added an organisation to your practice, give practice staff access to the organisation.