Set due dates for suppliers


  • Set up a default due date for documents uploaded for a specific supplier.

About using default due dates in Hubdoc

Use a default due date to save time on manually entering a date each time you upload a document for a supplier.

Setting a due date can be useful if there isn't one already on the document, or if you pay a bill at the same time every month. You can choose to prioritise the due date on a document and only use the default due date if the due date is missing from the document.

You can set a due date for a:

  • Number of days after the bill date
  • Number of days after the end of a bill month
  • Particular day of the following month
  • Particular day of the current month

When you publish to your cloud accounting platform, the due date set in Hubdoc will be applied.

Set up a default due date for suppliers

Follow these steps to set up a default due date for documents uploaded for a specific supplier. 

  1. On the Hubdoc dashboard, click the settings icon Settings submenu in Hubdoc..
  2. In the Manage Accounts tab, select the Suppliers tab, then click the supplier's name.
  3. Under Default Due Date, enter a number and select a due date option.
  4. (Optional) Select the Use document date first when it's available checkbox to only use the default due date if the due date is missing from the document.
  5. Click Save, then click Close.

What's next?

As well as defaut due dates, you can further customise a supplier to set up how you’d like supplier documents treated.

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