Organise documents with tags and folders


  • Create tags and folders to group documents by category.

How it works

When you create your Hubdoc organisation, there are no folders. When you upload a document manually, an Uploads folder appears.

When Hubdoc extracts the key data from a document for a new supplier, it creates a folder and files the document in it. The extracted supplier name is used to name the folder. Any additional documents for that supplier are automatically filed in the same folder.

If there are multiple accounts associated with the supplier, Hubdoc automatically creates subfolders within the primary folder.

If you have any duplicate folders (eg a supplier name changes), they can be renamed or deleted. When a folder is deleted, any documents it contains move to the trash, so you may want to move the documents first. To move a document, drag and drop it between folders.

If you merge supplier accounts, Hubdoc automatically merges the folders for those suppliers.

Users with the standard or accountant/bookkeeper role can access and edit all document folders. Users with the upload only role can only access their All documents folder, which contains the documents they've uploaded. You can't edit this folder.

Use tags to organise documents

Tags help you group and manage documents. For example, you might want to tag all documents that relate to employee expenses, or all documents to be reviewed by a particular person.

To create a new tag:

  1. Next to TAGS, click New Tag.
  2. Enter the tag name.

To tag a document:

  1. Open the document.
  2. At the top of the document, click Add tag.
  3. Start typing the tag name, then select the tag from the list.

To add the same tag to multiple documents at once, select all the documents you want to tag then drag them to the appropriate tag folder. If you're using Windows, select the documents by holding ctrl on your keyboard then clicking on each document. If you're using a Mac, do the same but hold command (or cmd) instead. 

Create a folder

  1. Above the organisation name, click New Folder.
  2. Enter the folder name.
  3. If you want the new folder to be a subfolder, drag and drop it to the primary folder you want it to sit under.

Rename a folder

  1. Under FOLDERS, click the arrow next to the folder you want to rename.
  2. Select Rename Folder.
  3. Enter the new name.

Delete a folder

Deleting a folder doesn’t delete the connection or the supplier from your list of accounts.

  1. Under FOLDERS, click the arrow next to the folder you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete Folder.
  3. Click OK.

What's next?

Check the processing status of your documents.

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