Change a document file name in Hubdoc


  • Change a document's name when it's uploaded from Hubdoc or published to your connected third-party integrations.

What you need to know

File name and display name explained

A document’s file name in Hubdoc is created during the data extraction process. It’s made up of the supplier name, document date, then the amount. For example, 'Electric Kiwi_2019-03-20_55.27'. The date format set in Organization Settings doesn't affect the file name.

The display name for a document shows under the Upload Document button when viewing an individual document. It’s a combination of the supplier name and the document type. For example, 'Genesis Energy (NZ) Invoice'. The display name for a document can’t be manually changed. If no document type is selected, the display name shows as the supplier name with 'Doc' at the end.

How it works

  • Changing a document’s file name updates the name that's displayed after the document is uploaded or published to your connected integrations. The document’s display name doesn’t change.
  • If a document is in the Processing status, the file name only updates once data extraction is successfully completed.
  • If you change a document’s file name while it’s still processing, your changes will be overwritten. Wait until the document has been through data extraction before changing the file name.
  • The only time the display name and file name are the same is when the document has just been uploaded and it’s still being processed, or it’s failed extraction.

To view the file name for a document, hover over the information icon next to the document display name.

Under Upload Document, hover over the information icon to view the filename.

Change the file name of a document

  1. Open the document you want to rename.
  2. Under Upload Document, click the document display name.
    Below Upload Document, click the document filename.
  3. Update the file name, then press Return or Enter on your keyboard to save the change.

What's next?

Delete a document if it's a duplicate or not needed.


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