Publish Hubdoc documents to QuickBooks Online


  • Enter details for a document in Hubdoc, then publish it to create a new transaction in QuickBooks Online (QBO), with a copy of the document attached.
  • Publish an individual document to QBO as it’s uploaded into Hubdoc, or set all documents for a particular supplier to publish automatically.

TIP | If your Hubdoc organisation is connected to QuickBooks Online and BILL, find out which integration it’s best to publish your document to.

Manually publish a single document to QuickBooks Online

Hubdoc creates a new transaction in QuickBooks Online (QBO) using the data from the document. If the document is under 25MB, QBO attaches a copy of the document to the transaction. If it's larger than 25MB, it shows as a link rather than an attachment.

  1. Make sure your Hubdoc and QBO organisations are connected.
  2. Find and open the document you want to publish.
  3. To the right of the document, click Edit Document to open the data toolbar.
  4. (Optional) Select the Mark as Paid checkbox. 
  5. Under Transaction Details, confirm the extracted data is correct or update it as required.
    The Due Date isn’t a mandatory field when publishing to QBO. If you don’t enter a due date, QBO uses the transaction date as the due date.
  6. (Optional) If the tax on the document doesn’t reflect a flat application of a tax rate, adjust the tax calculation.
  7. Under Destinations, click QBO.
  8. (Optional) To apply these settings to all future documents for this supplier, select the Save configuration checkbox. Select Autosync to automatically publish the documents straight to QBO once they’re configured.
  9. Select the relevant fields for the document.
  10. (Optional) If the transaction in QBO needs to contain multiple line items, next to Line Items, click Multiple to open the Edit Line Items dialog box. If taxes are enabled, select the correct tax treatment for the document.
    You can click and drag the dialog box around your screen so it’s easier to see the relevant areas of the document. You need to Save & Close the Edit Line Items dialog box to make any changes in the edit data toolbar.
  11. (Optional) To use inventory items you’ve set up in QBO, in the Edit Line Items dialog box, click Item Details, then click the Product/Service field and select the relevant item for the line. The Description, Rate, Amount and Sales Tax fields are automatically populated with the item’s details from QBO. Update the Qty and any other relevant fields, then click Save & Close.
  12. Click Publish to publish the document to QBO, or click Publish All to publish the document to QBO and all other connected integrations, such as your cloud storage account.

Automatically publish all of a supplier's documents to QuickBooks Online

Enable autosync for a particular supplier so Hubdoc automatically configures and publishes the supplier’s documents to QuickBooks Online (QBO). As soon as a document is uploaded, Hubdoc publishes it straight to your QBO organisation.

Documents identified as credit notes will not automatically publish to QBO. If Hubdoc detects a credit note, you’ll need to review the document, then manually publish it. 

To enable autosync for a supplier:

  1. Make sure your Hubdoc and QBO organisations are connected.
  2. On the Hubdoc dashboard, click the settings icon in the top right hand corner.
  3. In the Manage Accounts tab, select the Suppliers tab, then click the supplier account you’d like to edit.
  4. Under Integrations, select the Configure rules for QBO checkbox, then select the Auto-sync checkbox.
  5. Under Publish As, select the document type. This determines the type of transaction created in QBO.
  6. Complete any other required fields.
  7. (Optional) Select the Forward to email addresses checkbox to set email forwarding for the supplier.
  8. Click Save Changes, then click Close.

Now all documents imported for this supplier automatically publish and create transactions in QBO, as per the saved supplier configurations.

If a document is under 25MB, QBO attaches a copy of the document to the transaction. If it's larger than 25MB, it shows as a link rather than an attachment.

What's next?

All done! You’ve published your documents to QuickBooks Online.

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